Re: Value of Certifications

From: Bernd Eckenfels (
Date: Sat May 13 2000 - 17:57:53 EST

In article <> you wrote:
> I dunno about anyone else...but that's the type of marketshare and money
> that gets my attention. Having Linux compete in the billion $$ contract
> space is...well, somewhat "seductive" (not that I'm at all affected by base
> considerations of such a sum of money, of course, purely from a marketshare
> POV :-) ). Having that type of money trickle into the Linux space seems
> like a good thing for all Linux developers (higher demand for services,
> engineers, Linux software, etc). Tres cool!

Certification will kill the development, once certified this means u have to
freze, or get the money for the expensive certifications over and over
again... this will force the free software into the commercial hands of
companies like SGI.

Don't get me wrong, i personally find it very cool what SGI or IBM is doing
for Linux... but I dont want them to gain power on the OS (as SuSE, RedHat
or so on).


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