Re: Linux can't stay up for more than an hour?

Albert D. Cahalan (
Thu, 6 May 1999 17:53:09 -0400 (EDT)

Ben 'The Con Man' Kahn writes:
> On Wed, 5 May 1999, Ted Rolle wrote:

>> If you switch to BSD, I'd like to know which flavor (OpenBSD, FreeBSD,
>> ...) and your reason for selecting the target.
>> There has been no replies to this post so far...
> We would probably choose FreeBSD. Why? Oh. Um... I'm not sure.
> Our sys admin has a lot of experience with FreeBSD and enjoys using it.

I'd consider that a warning sign.

About two years ago, someone with Linux machines posted that they
crashed frequently until one particular employee was fired for
unrelated reasons. That employee was one that strongly preferred
some other kind of system over Linux.

I don't know your sysadmin of course, and it would be very bad to
blindly accuse him of causing crashes... but consider the possibility.
It has happened before.

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