Re: Sound

Helge Hafting (
Thu, 06 May 1999 22:52:49 +0200

> How does one configure the sound card settings (IRQ, DMA, etc.) for the PAS-16
> sound card for kernel 2.2.7 using menu-config? I don't see a menu item for that
> anywhere. I compiled the kernel without doing those settings, but /dev/sndstat
> didn't show any devices loaded, other than the system timer. HELP!!!

Run make menuconfig. Go into the "sound" section.
Say Y to sound card support, OSS sound modules, and
ProaudioSpectrum 16 support.
PAS16 IRQ and DMA settings suddenly show up when you says
Y to proaudiospectrum 16 support.

These settings will not show if you use modules.
You specify irq/dma when loading the modules instead.
look at manpages for modprobe, insmod and /etc/conf.modules.

Helge Hafting

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