Re: Mail reflector !!!

Matti Aarnio (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 09:01:22 +0200 (EET)

> I thought the policy was "no mail->news gateways or news->mail
> gateways". Feeding email to local newsgroups is technically not
> allowed either because of the potential for mail loops, correct?
> People do it anyway because (done correctly) no-one knows they're
> doing it, but if they stuff up, they get thrown off the list.
> Can someone please confirm the policy on this point?

Yes, no global mail->news (nor news->mail) gateways.
Locally you can do anything you wish, but if you screw up,
and cause bounces/loops/other havock, off you go.

People are discouraged from doing mail->local-news, because
doing it correctly is not easy..

> Regards,
> Richard....

/Matti Aarnio <>

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