Re: Telnet still not working in 1.3.64!

Peter (
Fri, 16 Feb 1996 00:43:41 -0500

I've now tried out to see what kind of problems I could have, related to your
telnet trouble. I just patched and compiled 1.3.64 and checked out if I could
connect to my ISP through PPP (version 2.2.0e) as usual. This seems to work
without problems (at least as good as with 1.3.57 the best kernel for me until

However, I still have trouble getting in contact with my company's network
through CSLIP (as our sysadmin insists on using). When using 'telnet' I only
get until "Escape character is '^]'." and then no more. It eventually times
out. Similar with 'ftp'. This all worked until 1.3.57.

My 'dip' is version 3.3.7n-uri from Fred van Kempen. Could the software on the
other side of my connection be a part of the problem? If so, I would be happy
to get advice about what to look out for :-)


main(){char*s="O_>>^PQAHBbPQAHBbPOOH^^PAAHBJPAAHBbPA_H>BB";int i,j,k,l,m,n;
putchar(l<6-j?' ':l==40-j?'\n':k&&s[n]&k?'*':' ');}