Re: [patch] remove graphic linux logo on framebuffer, kernel-2-4-24

From: Ken Moffat
Date: Sun Jan 18 2004 - 16:29:46 EST

On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, Szymon Tarnowski wrote:

> Hello everyone
> I have made this cosmetic patch to remove linux graphics logo
> presented during booting system. I have no objection to logo but when
> console is ready to log in the system, I would like to remove it from
> screen. Because I don`t have enought programing skils and enought free
> time to solve this problem, I made this patch to remove logo at all.
> It is made by changing value sent do framebuffer setup routine. Please
> fell free to coment my patch, please send it to me directly because I
> don`t receive subscription from linux-kernel message list. Please also
> inform me if there will be big discusion at list.

Why ?

If your problem is that a few lines at the top of your screen stay
blank, there are two existing solutions:

(a) switch to another console, then back.
(b) create an init script using `setfont' to set a font of your choice.

This is a job for Riviera Kid!
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