Re: console lost to Ctrl+Alt+F$n in 2.6.0-test5

From: Pat LaVarre
Date: Sat Sep 13 2003 - 18:12:42 EST

> script ... switches every $wait (5) seconds between VT
> $vt (1) and X @vt$x (7) ...

Yes, logging in via ssh to run this script does reliably crash my
2.6.0-test5, I think because of `chvt $x`, while I am not touching the
console keyboard or mouse.

Cycles required varies. Counting cycles completed before crashing, I
saw: 1 18 20 20 ... 4 16 ...

The script as was posted creates a small ./X and produces logs such as:

Cycle 1 switching to VT 1
Cycle 1 switching to X
Cycle 20 switching to VT 1
Cycle 20 switching to X
Cycle 21 switching to VT 1

This log could have been produced by crashing in `chvt $vt`, but I think
I saw it was produced by crashing in the `sleep $wait` that follows
`chvt $x`. That is, I think the $vt was the last non-blank display, not
the $x.

To increase my confidence, I ran with every command echoed, and indeed
via ssh I saw the last command echoed was `sleep 5`.

I ended by running the third variant script quoted below. Now my logs
comfortingly end with 'switching to X'. I presume I'm catching the
crash in the last sleep $wait.

Pat LaVarre

rm -f $log
echo 'Starting VT <> X test'
while ((1)); do
echo Cycle $cycle switching to VT $vt | tee -a $log
sleep $wait
chvt $vt
sleep $wait
echo Cycle $cycle switching to X | tee -a $log
sleep $wait
chvt $x
sleep $wait
((cycle += 1))

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