RE: For Alan Cox ...

From: Richard B. Johnson (
Date: Thu May 11 2000 - 16:57:00 EST

On Thu, 11 May 2000, David Schwartz wrote:

> > > > you're in ORBS. complain to your admin/ISP.
> > >
> > > ORBS is pretty much completely rogue at this point. If your
> > mail server is
> > > listed in ORBS, don't worry about it. It's the fools who choose
> > to use ORBS
> > > who are cutting themselves off.
> >
> > ORBS is a reliable testing service and is still the cut for about 30% of
> > the spam I'd otherwise get. Most of the people who don't like
> > ORBS are just
> > poor or lazy sysadmins who can't keep their setup secure.
> >
> > It isn't _hard_ to telnet from each of your
> > machines and check
> > they pass the relay tester.
> I'm talking about the machines that are _not_ validated open mail relays
> that are still in the database that claims to be of "validated open mail
> relays". The administrators of ORBS are quite literally rogue and continue
> to misrepresent their database as being of "validated open mail relays" when
> it's actually a list of validated open mail relays and people who have
> offended the sensitive people who maintain the list.
> DS

There is also the problem with a true "spam-killer". For instance, one
of my machines, that is visible on the internet, has phony mail daemon
that pretends that it forwards mail. This is good because, spam programs
"think" they have found a sucker relay and often don't look for more. The
spam killer daemon listens on port 25 and, using the sendmail protocol,
responds to everything in the affirmantive after receiving (and throwing
away) as much data as you would wish to send it. It's a great tool and has
kept the spam down on this site.

This mail-site is listed in ORBS! Nothing was tested to see if a
server __really__ forwards mail! A simple test with VRFY with junk
would show that it really doesn't forward anything.

Dick Johnson

Penguin : Linux version 2.3.41 on an i686 machine (800.63 BogoMips).

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