RE: PATCH for drivers/net/pcnet32.c to use pci_alloc_consistent

From: George France (
Date: Tue May 02 2000 - 17:33:16 EST

Hello Jeff;

Many of the problems that you quickly found are in the original driver. I am
happy to fix many of the minor problems for you, but I am reluctant to make
major changes, since someone else is the maintainer of this code. I do not
want to step on anyone's toes. I just made the barest minimum changes to
allow the driver work on the ARM architecture without breaking i86 (I have
two different PCI boards which I used to test the driver on i86). If we do
not hear from in next few weeks, then I will
assume that he has fallen off of the face of the earth and I will be happy
to make the more major changes you suggested. I agree that the changes need
to be done.

Thank you for your help and prompt response.

>* why are calls to pci_dma_sync_single called with "if (0)" ? Are you
>sure this patch should be applied to the kernel?
>+ if (0) pci_dma_sync_single(lp->pci_dev, lp->rx_dma_addr[i],
>rx_skbuff->len, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);

I was not certain, if I need to call pci_dma_sync_single, therefore I used
the calls and then if (0)ed them to see if they were really necessary. It
turns out that they were not needed and I just forgot to remove the lines.

>* pcnet32_tbl[] seems to duplicate needlessly information found in

It does duplicate information. I was uncertain how VLbus would handle the
changes so I left this alone.

>* MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE not present in code

The original driver is this way.

>* do not use check-region. instead, use request-region and test its
>return value for NULL (== region unavailable).

The original driver is this way. I just cut and pasted.

>* use "return -ENODEV" instead of "return ENODEV". The '-' style is
>preferred since typical error tests throughout the code look like>
> if (rc < 0) { /* we got an error */ }

The original driver was this way. Fixed in nine (9) places.

>* two errors in the following code. (1) "if (0)", (2) you don't need to
>print out a message, the PCI subsystem does that for you

The original driver was this way for item (2). Fixed item (1).

>* consider turning "switch (chip-version)" into a lookup table.

I agree it is a good idea, but more than a minor change.

>* You don't need to allocate and align your private structure manually.
>init_etherdev does this for you. Simply pass the -true- size of your
>private structure to init_ethernet, and it will allocate and align the
>space for you. All you need to do is take the value of dev->priv:
> dev = init_etherdev (NULL, sizeof (struct my_private_struct));
> if (!dev) return -ENOMEM;
> my_priv = dev->priv;
> ...

This is part of the original driver. From the documentation in the original
driver, it is claimed that the struct must be aligned on a sixteen (16) BYTE
boundary. I will have to look at the manufactures data sheet to verify this
and I would like to verify that init_etherdev aligns to a sixteen (16) BYTE
boundary, before making such a change.

>* all calls to printk() should have their formats contain a KERN_xxx
> printk(KERN_WARNING "warrior is about to die\n");

The original driver was this way. Fixed.

>* ioctl() needs to be protected by hardware spinlock

The original driver was this way.

>* why don't you implement a PCI driver cleanup in the remove() method?
>By not doing so, you are preventing any chance of hotplug with this
>driver. Plus, since pci_unregister_driver calls remove() once for each
>PCI driver, it should simplify the code a bit -- you don't have to
>manually loop in cleanup_module or similar. Also note you can use
>pdev->driver_data to store information (like dev or dev->priv) which is
>generally kept in a linked list. For example of drivers which do this,
>while supporting non-PCI buses like EISA or VLB, check out the updated

I agree, the original driver was this way. If the maintainer does not appear
then I will commit to making this change and all the other changes.

>* check the return value of pci_module_init!


Best Regards,


George France,
Cambridge Research Laboratory, Compaq Computer Corporation
One Kendall Square, Building 700 MS: CRL
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

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