Interest in Kernel Projects

Brian Geisel (
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 09:55:52 -0500

I follow this list and do a lot of work on linux, but would like to
help in kernel development. Unfortunately, I'm not really sure what a
good starting point might be. It seems ridiculous to start working on
something that wouldn't not be useful. My generic question (since
others may be asking this too) is: What is a good starting point or
where can I find a good starting point on kernel development that will
be useful and that I also won't be getting in anyone's way.
Specifically, I'm familiar with the kernel. The overall concept and
design of the Linux kernel are cool with me. I've done kernel patches
for some security stuff here (nothing worth distributing though). So I
can work in the kernel, it's not like I need something that basic. I've
been doing x86 assembly since '91, so that's not a big deal either. I
just don't know what would be useful that I can do without getting into
anyone's way. Suggestions?
Also, out to Alan and maybe Leonard... I do a lot of SCSI stuff where I
work, so maybe there's some stuff in the SCSI layer I can help on?


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