linux-2.2.13pre9: conflicting defines for DEBUG (irda problem)

Adam J. Richter (
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 18:53:15 -0800

linux-2.2.13pre9/include/net/irda/irda.h defines a macro
named DEBUG, and the drivers/net/sk98lin/skge.c indirectly includes
this file when it pulls in some general networking-related .h files.
Unfortunately, a number of files in the sk98lin subdirectory use
DEBUG as a flag that enables debugging and indicates that a number
of other #defines have been made. Of course, these other defines
were not made, so the compile bombs out.

I believe the correct fix is for irda to use a different
macro name, since defining a symbol as generic as "DEBUG" in a
.h file that is pulled in by a lot of drivers is probably producing
little bits of chaos in other parts of the kernel that nobody has

Adam J. Richter __ ______________ 4880 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 104 \ / San Jose, California 95129-1034
+1 408 261-6630 | g g d r a s i l United States of America
fax +1 408 261-6631 "Free Software For The Rest Of Us."

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