Q: status of Athlon support

Gabriele Turchi (turchi@tieffesistemi.com)
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 18:55:40 +0100 (CET)

Hi all,
I've searched the list archive, but found no complete answer to my question:
what is current state of linux support for systems based on the Athlon?

If someone could point me to some on-line resource (docs, maybe some old
posting I missed...) or kindly post a brief summary on the matter...
- is the Athlon support as stable as [the support for] the other CPUs
(Intel PII/PIII/Celeron, AMD K6, etc.)?
- do I need a development kernel, or a patched 2.2?
- are the (few) Athlon MB supported as well (I won't ask which one is
the best, just would like to be made aware of any known problem - e.g.
I've seen some posting on UDMA ATA66 not working well...)?
- other advices on building an Athlon based linux system?

Thanks in advance,

Gabriele Turchi

 Gabriele Turchi (Technical Manager)               turchi@tieffesistemi.com
 Tieffe Sistemi S.r.l.                                www.tieffesistemi.com
 V.le Piceno 21 - 20129 Milano - Italia             tel/fax +39 02 76115215

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