2.3.26pre2 compile error

Tonglu Yi (tlyi@126.com)
Fri, 05 Nov 1999 16:34:03 -0800


kernel 2.3.24, patched to 2.3.26pre2, compile error:

fs/filesystems.a(fat.o): In function `fat_truncate':
fat.o(.text+0x22ad): undefined reference to `__divdi3'
fs/filesystems.a(fat.o): In function `fat_read_root':
fat.o(.text+0x2fca): undefined reference to `__divdi3'
fs/filesystems.a(fat.o): In function `fat_fill_inode':
fat.o(.text+0x40c6): undefined reference to `__divdi3'
make: *** [vmlinux] Error 1

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