RE: Specifying properly the PCI driver model on all linux archite

Patrick Lerda (
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 17:28:48 +0100

Linux is great operating system, but a small part of it, the PCI
initalisation are
not properly documented. This lack of documentation is not a real problem
the classic Linux that works on Intel processor. But some linux architecture
like PowerPC use a more complex PCI translation. In this case the lack
of information is a problem. Because some PCI drivers used some #ifdef to
work on different linux architecture...

>Bret write:
>It also totally destroys Alan Cox's and other peoples statements in
the past
>about Linux being faster than something like UDI because it doesn't
have to
>go through a routine just to access the bus.

Linux still go faster these translations need to be done only one time, when
driver start.

Patrick LERDA

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