Re: PUBLIC CHALLENGE: (was RE: devfs again, (was RE: USB device a

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH (
Sat, 09 Oct 1999 08:43:44 -0400

In message <>, Gorky
| I suspect I am not the only one who has been entirely put off to devfs by
| the behaviour of Shawn Leas. The kernel is a technical issue, and this

The behavior of Horst von Brand (specifically, outright ignoring that his
thread started *because* of USB dynamic devices and instead repeatedly
asserting that nobody needs dynamic devices) hasn't done anything for the
anti-devfs side.

The pissing match is going on on both sides. Ignore the pissers and get on
with the technical details already. Making technical decisions based on the
behavior of a few idiots ("there is no cause so good that one cannot find an
idiot championing it" or something like that --- which applies to both sides
of this discussion) is an even worse idea.

brandon s. allbery	   os/2,linux,solaris,perl
system administrator	   kthkrb,heimdal,gnome,rt
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering			kf8nh
    We are Linux. Resistance is an indication that you missed the point.

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