Re: weird problem with connect()

Vedad Kajtaz (
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 20:30:38 +0200

OK, this solved the problem:

Range of ports used by TCP and UDP to choose the local
port. Contains two numbers, the first number is the lowest port,
the second number the highest local port. Default is 1024-4999.
Should be changed to 32768-61000 for high-usage systems.

(from Documentation/proc.txt)

Hope this might be usefull for someone.

-- Vedad Kajtaz

Vedad Kajtaz wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm testing a network library that uses select() call, and that is
> supposed to be
> able to handle about 5000 simultaneous connections (TCP) - don't ask why
> :-)
> I wrote two programs, the server one that is accepting connections on
> local port (7889 fyi) and
> echoes back anything received on a socket, and a client that creates 10
> sockets per seconds, connects,
> and then sens a small packet (4 bytes) every second .
> At the beginning, client was dumping core when it came to 1039th socket,
> because of fd_sets being too small.
> i've changed __FD_SETSIZE to 8192 in /usr/include/bits/select.h,
> recompiled my app, and it worked fine...
> ... until the 3977th socket, where, on client side, connect fails.
> strace output follows:
> ioctl(3979, FIONBIO, [1]) = 0
> setsockopt(3979, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, [1], 4) = 0
> connect(3979, {sin_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(7889),
> sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EAGAIN (Resou
> rce temporarily unavailable)
> write(1, "->Created() failed (FALSE), errc"..., 38) = 38
> write(1, "Retrying in next frame...\n", 26) = 26
> close(3979) = 0
> as printed on stdout, i try the same thing (socket(), putting in
> nonblocking mode and connect()-ing) every
> second, and it always fails. The previously created sockets and
> connections continue working ok (all
> client socks send data successfully, all server socks receive it and
> resend it).
> (NOTE: my lib expect connect() to return either 0 (happens rarely on
> linux, always!? on freebsd, never!? on win32, when connecting to
> localhost), or -1 with errno == EINPROGRESS)
> The kernel is brand new 2.2.12 with raid patch applied (the one for
> 2.2.11 but mingo stated on
> linux-raid that it's ok for 2.2.12), and system has been tuned as
> follows:
> [root@ganja /]# cd /proc/sys/fs/
> [root@ganja fs]# cat file-max
> 32768
> [root@ganja fs]# cat inode-max
> 131072
> [root@ganja fs]# ulimit -n
> 32768
> The system is a pII 450 with 128MB sdram and 512Mb swap partition on a
> scsi disk.
> Also, except server and client process', getty's , crond and inetd,
> nothing was running on the box while testing.
> I will, of course, provide futher information if requested.
> Please help!
> Thanks,
> -- Vedad Kajtaz
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