Re: Large disk partition over 300GB

12 Jul 1999 21:44:36 GMT

On 10 Jul 1999 22:30:01 -0700, Jeff - <> wrote:
>disk is about 320GB. But the file system only see roughly 265GB. Is this a
>limitation with the kernel or the file system? It is expected that the
>capacity of the formatted partition will be less. But in this case the loss
>is around 55GB (~ %18) which is quite significant.

Reformat your partition with:
mke2fs -b 4096 -i 16384 -m 0 -s 1 /dev/device

You may want to read the mke2fs and decide whether you want to decrease -i a
bit and maybe set -m to 1 instead of 0.


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