Re: [alsa-devel] Re: AMIGA will use Linux, but Linux has several "multimedia-deficiencies"

Paul Barton-Davis (pbd@Op.Net)
Mon, 12 Jul 1999 10:10:42 -0400

In message <>you write:
>Little of IRIX's RT capabilities have to do with smart hardware. They
>offer POSIX RT stuff similar to Linux, RT file I/O on RT subvolumes of
>XFS filesystems and sysmp(2) which allows to assign cpu(s) exclusivly

this has been ported to linux. it isn't part of the mainstream kernel
yet, but its available as a very straightforward patch.

don't ask me from where, but its author reads linux-kernel from time
to time, at the very least.

i'm not sure if it can disable interrupts.


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