Re: Linux TCP/IP stack.

Jes Sorensen (
12 Jul 1999 14:43:33 +0200

>>>>> "Gregory" == Gregory Maxwell <> writes:

Gregory> Hi, in recent threads on various amiga lists, there were made
Gregory> some serious claims about Linuxes TCP/IP stack. Basically
Gregory> they said that it was worse then MSes (as far as standards
Gregory> complience) and that it lacked many important new features,
Gregory> such as QOS, multicast, IPv6 and such..

Gregory> This struck me as crazy talk, but it's backed up by the
Gregory> author of the Miami Amiga TCP/IP stack.. But lots of people
Gregory> are saying it now, and I'm sure that some goofball in the
Gregory> press is going to see and and take it as the truth..

I read that posting and to be quite frank I can't remember having
laughed as hard as I did after reading it for sooooooooooo long.

It is a masterpiece of misinformation and FUD that even our friends in
Redmond could not have done better. But then again what can you expect
from the author of Miami who is an incarnated AmigaDOS and BSD

If you start looking at it, then he a) does not have a clue about the
Linux networking stack, but just forwards rumors and issues invalid
statements. b) he uses the Mindcraft studies as a case, however most
of the problems shown by that test have already been addressed and we
are busy sorting out the remaining issues ... don't worry the
networking code is gonna scale. As for compatibility where is the
documentation of his claims?

The there are issues such as commercial backing of the code, what do
you think all the kernel hackers employed by Red Hat, SuSE, Linuxcare
and other companies are doing at least part of their time? Not to
mention how many of the big companies are now extremely interested in
shipping Linux on their hardware.

So to conclude, it is a posting from a person who is obviously angry
with Amiga Inc. because they did not select his kernel of choice,
nothing more than that.


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