Kernel 2.2.10 and aha2940 problems

Uemit Kusdogan (
Thu, 08 Jul 1999 13:01:57 +0200

I installed the new kernel (2.2.10) on a running SuSE linux (2.0.36).
Before I installed the new kernel the system was running correctly with
AHA-2940U scsi host adapter. But now the following msg appears:
scsi: o hosts
scsi: detected total.

VFS: Cannot open root device 08:03
Kernel Panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:03

*** System stopped ***

If I boot with linux-2.0.36 everything is ok
If I boot with linux-2.2.10 the systems stop

How can I use the drivers from 2.0.36 for the new kernel ??
Do I have to link additional modules ???

Please send me an e-mail If you have any solutions or tips.


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