Linux vs. tNT ;-) Can sb explain this?

Carlos Costa Portela (
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 11:25:22 +0200 (CET)

Hello all!

A member from other list (l-linux, spanish), have sent this two urls:

Does somebody know what is happening with this data?. Please, compare the
two URLs.

BTW, in the 2nd url we can read some linux defects:

>Linux performance tuning tips and tricks must be learned from
>documentation on the Net, newsgroups, and trial-and-error. Some tunes
>require you to recompile the kernel. We came to this conclusion from the
>following observations:

>The documentation on how to configure the latest Linux kernel for the
>best performance is very difficult to find. We were unable to obtain help
>from various Linux community newsgroups and from Red Hat.


>We were unable to find any books or web sites that addressed performance
>tuning in a clear and concise manner. At best we found bits and pieces of
>information from dozens of sites.


>The kernel source code contains comments regarding tuning and

So, they conclude that the system is not a good system. :-)

Perhaps this is a little offtopic, but perhaps -too- sb can explain me/us
what is this.


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