Re: NFSv3 client for Linux-2.2.5 ready for alpha testing...

Eric Werme USG (
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 09:28:11 -0400

Andrew Schretter wrote:
> FINALLY, I can write from a linux machine via nfs to a Solaris server
> at right around 2 megabytes per second (100MB Lan).


I don't get this.. Everyone but me appears to have problems writing to
Solaris NFS server!

Also, the fs that it is writing to is a raid0 array spread across 18

The synchronous writes on NFS V2 "require" that the data be safely on disk
before a reply is made. Even the V3 clients with unstable writes should?
must? had better do a COMMIT at close time to catch any errors, including
out-of-space errors the biods haven't reported yet.

Therefore, NFS writes are limited to disk speed, and V2 writes suffer from
several seeks per write unless assisted by write gathering, NVRAM, and
related whatnot.

I would not be surprised if most people on this list don't have an 18
disk array to help spred the load.

BTW, given your hardware, 1963 KB/sec is not terribly exciting. V3 should
easily see that with a single disk. What do you get from some other V3
client? Expect that Trond will be pestering you for data ASAP.

-Ric Werme

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