Re: 2.2.x kernels missend odd-sized ICMP packetsD

Mike Galbraith (
Fri, 9 Apr 1999 06:19:20 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

> So why did it work in 2.0.x kernels &etc? And why do packets < 19 bytes work
> even if they're an odd size?

Here, it's <= 9 that works.. tcpdump says it's a checksum error.

06:13:15.099668 > 0:0:0:0:0:0 0:c0:6c:43:23:68 ip 53: > icmp: echo request (wrong icmp csum) (ttl 64, id 7606)
4500 0027 1db6 0000 4001 c78e c738 8395
c738 838b 0800 09a5 1a0f 0000 5b7e 0d37
5884 0100 0809 0a


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