A simple suggestion (Re: Lets get this right)

Daniel J. Frasnelli (dfrasnel@csee.wvu.edu)
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 00:16:58 -0500

I've remained quiet on this ever-expanding thread
up until now. Allow me to simply suggest a recess?
Get out and do something other than feed the remarks in this
discussion for a couple hours. Or as someone here suggested
(Alan Cox, I believe): "Go shopping".
While it's exciting to get caught up in the moments
of a discussion like this, the messages here are beginning
to degrade to the level of "I bite my thumb at you, sir!".
I'm not pointing fingers around, but I think many of us
could use a deep breath, some tea or coffee, and a chance
to allow our minds to clear before sending off further
messages to the list.

I enjoy a furious discussion, but not when it amounts to
a lot of finger-pointing, back-scratching, and lip-flapping.

Best regards,


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