Re: [OFFTOPIC] Potential GPL violation of Linux kernel by MOSIX?

Alan Cox (
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 20:41:26 +0000 (GMT)

> I don't think your emphasis on _existing_ interfaces in the OSS case is
> legally relevant, because GPL allows kernel development to fork. If

Its not GPL thats quite the issue here, its as Mike says a bit more
complicated. The GPL itself is quite clear and the answer is "no".

The two fun questions are

1. Linus gave specific additional permissions to people for some binary
modules with restrictions. Does Mosix violate his agreement with them

2. Since Linus owns <10% of the code do his additional permissions mean
anything anyway ?

This is perhaps a topic for gnu.* usenet groups not linux-kernel. I'll stop
here simply because its not an appropriate debate for l/k even if its a
very appropriate debate elsewhere


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