Re: Linux Graphics Architecture

Alan Cox (
Mon, 8 Feb 1999 01:45:41 +0000 (GMT)

> Read it yourself.

I have

> : A context-switchable graphics engine. The state of the graphics
> : hardware must be context-switchable and the context switch must be
> : able to be performed preemptively, including in the middle of a command.
> There are several other serious problems, including the implicit
> assumption that graphics hardware will enforce security.

You don't need hardware contexts. You also dont need hardware clipping
if you are running X11 in an 'ok you can scribble on the screen if you
are a dork' mode. Thats no change. I could open the root window anyway
and XSecurity won't be allowing direct video access.

> On a PC or Mac, everybody with graphics access can get root.
> I suppose that isn't any worse than Windows 98...

Garbage. Almost all modern video cards don't have magic oh look Im
root features. And I dont care _what_ you do with an ET4000, it'll
still suck.


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