help with new syscall

Timothy K Canfield (
Sun, 7 Feb 1999 18:29:58 -0500 (EST)

I am trying to add a new system call to my kernel, which is 2.0.36.
When trying to call this from userland, using a function created with
_syscall1, I get the error that the function is not implemented errno

I have added
#define __NR_newop 190
to unistd.h

I have also added
.long SYMBOL_NAME(sys_newop) /* 190 */
to entry.S

and changed the line after that to:
.space (NR_syscalls-190)*4.

I put source code in kernel/newop.c and added newop.o to the O_OBJS in

I have also rebuilt the kernel from scratch, make dep; make clean; make
zImage, and booted off this image.

Is there anything else I need to do?

Thanks a lot!

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