Re: 2.0.36 sends spanning-tree when bridge disabled

Peter T. Breuer (
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 15:09:23 +0100 (MET)

"A month of sundays ago Bernhard Kaindl wrote:"
> It sure does not. I had also a problem with some packages from various
> machines with compiled-in bridging which my tcpdump could not decipher.

What were the symptoms on your net?

Our fibre appears to lead to "powerhubs". They're controllable switches.
They apparently had bridging enabled throughout the powerhub topology
in order "to provide printing services for windows clients" (unquote).
But I believe the interaction to be causing the problems on our network
of bridging-compiled-in-and-disabled linux machines.

If your symptoms included machines with nics in promiscuous mode going
gaga, and periodic pulses of total network activity, that would match.

While trying to upgrade the kernels to 2.0.36 and simultaneoeusly disable
bridging, I discovered that serial.o does not work (tm) on half these
microstar VX boards. I apparently worked some alchemy in the serial
code when I fixed these last about three years ago. One of the two serial
porst is notr even seen by setserial in a few of these. All bioses are
configured identically. w95 has no problem even though it doesn't see the
serial ports either! - is there some sort of direct computer-to-mouse
protocol that it could be using.


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