/proc weirdness ....

Serguei Koubouchine (ksi@ksi-linux.com)
Tue, 5 Jan 1999 14:55:14 +0200 (EET)

Hello, everybody!

I have found an interesting "feature" in 2.1.129...2.2.0pre4. When I make
"cat /proc/1/cpu" as root, all goes fine. Doing the same as a user gives:

=== Cut ===
[ksi@nomad /]$ cat /proc/1/cpu
cat: /proc/1/cpu: Input/output error
=== Cut ===

Permissions of /proc/1/cpu are 0444, so it should be readable by anyone...
The same operation on a directory for a process owned by the user does

What's going on and does anybody care to fix it?

Serguei Koubouchine aka the Tamer < > The impossible we do immediately.
e-mail: ksi@gu.net SK320-RIPE < > Miracles require 24-hour notice.

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