Re: bogous binfmt_misc patch in 2.2.0-pre1

Arjan van de Ven (
Fri, 1 Jan 1999 17:30:50 +0100

In article <> you wrote:

> Could you please revert the patch you got for binfmt_misc?
> Its wrong as it leaves binfmt_misc in a completely unusuable
> state if CONFIG_PROC_FS is not set. (patch to revert the
> changes and one pending change from me (remove stale variable)
> is attached)

> you may consider patch #2, that makes CONFIG_PROC_FS depend
> on CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC (yes, I dont like the order, too - but
> there is no way to make CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC depend on CONFIG_PROC_FS),

Yuk.. This would mean that I _have_ to select CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC in order to
be able to select CONFIG_PROC_FS..

Until we have a better configuration-system, such dependencies are REALLY
uggly (can be solved for menuconfig/xconfig though). There are other places
where such a dependency exists. (ide-scsi emulation and config_scsi for

> or alternatively patch #3, that makes binfmt_misc compile
> conditionaly on CONFIG_PROC_FS (i.e. it leaves the user without
> binfmt_misc, if he/she was unable to select CONFIG_PROC_FS).

Doesn't this do the same as the current patch?

> PS: it seems, this patch was caused by a "random config compile" -

Yes, it was caused by me. It seems to fix the proc-fs dependency.
If it turns unusable, that is a problem. But if there is no way binfmt_misc
is usable without PROC_FS with any other patch, maybe we should just #error
or #warning and compile conditionally (your patch 3).

Arjan van de Ven

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