Wanted: Secure-delete utility for Linux

Tue, 22 Dec 1998 05:09:07 GMT

In the olden days of DOS, where there was no Linux, no Windoze nor swapfiles,
the (pre-Symantec) Norton Utilities came with a utility file called
WIPEFILE.EXE, which did a wonderful
rewrite-at-least-three-times-before-delete-the-file job (and according to Norton
Utilities at that time, that procedure was conformed to DOD's security
requirement) on any files you really wanted to get rid for good.

There was also a related utility file called WIPEDISK.EXE, which did a good job
not only wipe-the-entire-disk, as its name implied, but could be also used to
wipe all the "empty spaces" on the disk, using a similar
rewrite-at-least-three-times-before-delete-the-disk(space) procedure, in
accordance to the DOD security requirement.

Now we have Linux, swapfiles and Windoze, but the little DOD-conforming
WIPEFILE.EXE and WIPEDISK.EXE are no longer available.

I have finally gotten my company's systems all running Linux, and there are
times when files containing sensitive informations are being "deleted", I really
wished that I have a "wipefile(/disk).exe-compatible" utility on hand so I can
be assured that sensitive informations contained in those "deleted" files are
safe from prying eyes.

Question: Is there such utility for Linux?

If so, what is its name and where can I get it?

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