Re: kerneli blowfish/twofish compromised?

David Luyer (
Thu, 26 Nov 1998 11:13:01 +0800

> Hell, we should just do this. We need a patch to postal gateway which
> delivers to the nearest free soil and some volunteers to do OCR and some
> filing of received mail to show that transfers are legit. Tools to
> make OCR of source code relatively easy already exist, such as those used
> by the international PGP group.

Is it legal to export the source code on paper in a non-text format?
eg: text with barcode down the side, barcode is what you actually read?

Also, how about writing a sed filter for C->English and for the generated
English->C? Surely if source code is run through this filter is is then
exportable, as it is now a description rather than a program.

eg: s/^ *# *define ([^ ]*) (.*)$/define "\1" to be \2/
s/&&/is logically anded with/g
(being verbose enough to make it easy to guarantee no problems re-encoding)

A third point is that arms are exportable if fired in a rocket over the
border AFAIK. So all you need is a couple of Linux enthusiasts in the US
and Mexico to have nightly rocket firing parties.

Fourthly, is it legal to display cryptography source code on TV (some small
community TV station near the border - maybe UofTexas@ElPaso have one which
could be used in the early hours of the morning?)?

> And then someone has to write an RFC for SMTP encapsulated in air-mail.

I thought this was a simple extension and modernisation of RFC 1149? :-)


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