Re: Patch: vm_enough_memory() (2.1.129)

Rik van Riel (
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 07:52:21 +0100 (CET)

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On Mon, 23 Nov 1998, Neil Conway wrote:

> Here's my stab at a fix to the vm_enough_memory() function. This
> currently underestimates available memory by large amounts (has been
> wrong by over 200MB on my 512MB RAM + 512MB Swap machine).

Excellent fix, I hope Linus will put it into 2.1.130/2.2.0
(depending on his mood/confidence/whatever).

> It *tries* to do it the right way, but I'm no expert. In fact, it
> was sufficiently easy to fix that I have a lingering suspicion that
> I've missed the point.

The point is that we've all been to lazy to fix it, even
though we knew it should have been fixed. I take it you
missed that one :)


Rik -- slowly getting used to dvorak kbd layout...
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