BUG: mkswap;swapon;swapoff;mkfs.msdos

Mikulas Patocka (mikulas@artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz)
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 19:46:28 +0200 (MET DST)

I think I found a bug in kernel.
When I type
mkswap /dev/hda7
swapon /dev/hda7
swapoff /dev/hda7
mkfs.msdos /dev/hda7
I get many oopses and then system crashes.
I tested it on 2.1.123 and 2.0.33 - both are buggy.

mkfs.msdos calls ioctl to get disk geometry - it seems that this causes
the crash. mkfs.anything_else works fine.

I'm not on the list; if you can't reproduce the bug, let me know, I will
try to catch it on my system.

Mikulas Patocka

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