[Only Tenuously On Topic] Profibus for Linux - license advice wanted.

David Woodhouse (David.Woodhouse@mvhi.com)
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 14:45:16 +0100

My company are considering an implementation of Profibus on Linux.

We expect the physical and link level layers, Profibus-PHY and Profibus-FDL,
to be kernel code, and this to be supplemented by a range of user-space
libraries for implementing the higher level protocols - DP, FMS, etc.

We would like it to be freely available, yet we would also like to retain the
option of recouping some of our development costs by commercially marketing
the product.

My idea for the licensing of this product is to make it available under the
GPL, and also to sell it, with support, under a more conventional commercial

By placing it under GPL rather than LGPL we would prevent its use in
commercial applications except when it is licensed directly from us, but it
would still be freely available for use in GPL'd applications.

Naturally, if we were to accept patches from third parties, then these could
only be accepted if all rights to the patches are given to us (through
disclaimers such as the FSF uses).

To me, this solution seems to be an ideal middle ground for us to take, which
should be acceptable to all sides.

Unfortunately, I have a sneaking suspicion that there's something wrong with
my thinking here. This idea actually occurred to me some time ago, when the
kernel mailing list became embroiled in the flame war about the KDE license,
and I presume that if it was workable, then TrollTech would have done
something like this long ago.

So if anyone, particularly RMS or someone from TrollTech, could offer their
opinions, I would be extremely grateful.

Perhaps they would be better in private mail, though, as it's only tenuously
related to either mailing list. If there is a conclusion, and if people have
asked for it, then I may post a summary of the responses.

---- ---- ----
David Woodhouse David.Woodhouse@mvhi.com Office: (+44) 1223 810302
Project Leader, Process Information Systems Mobile: (+44) 976 658355
Axiom (Cambridge) Ltd., Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge, CB5 0NA, UK.
finger dwmw2@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk for PGP key.

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