Re: Dynamic IP hack (PR#294)

Malware (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 13:04:07 +0200

Hi Andi,

you wrote:
> I have a better solution for this problem implemented on 2.1. I added a new
> IFF_DYNAMIC interface flag that is inherited by all IP addresses set on the
> interface, and when they finally disappear (not exist on any other interface)
> fib sends out a NETDEV_REBOOT notifier on the inetaddr_chain. TCP simply
> hooks into that chain and when it receives NETDEV_REBOOT calls tcp_reset
> on all sockets with that source address set.

It's a nice idea. It comes with a feature many people having a dialup
with a dynamic IP address would be happy about - it immediate kills all
stuck sockets. One draw-back: What does happend with TCP-sockets that
are not in ESTABLISHED yet - but in SYN_SENT. They should not be killed
and the dynip-hack - as it was up to now in 2.1.xx - then should rewrite
there source address.

> Only caveat is that it needs another patch to remove IFF_NODYNARP, otherwise
> there are no interface flags bits left (iffr_flags is a short).

If you get your patch into 2.2 I would be glad about. If not I am sure
it will get into 2.3. I think there we even could enlarge the


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