Re: [OT] Re: Cosmetic Changes: ensuring decency of the Linux Kernel Source.

Adam Sulmicki (
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 19:42:57 -0400

"Helge Hafting" writes:
->In <>, on 10/13/98
-> at 10:38 PM, Rob Dale <> said:
->>Jauder Ho wrote:
->>> well actually if you look there is a print statement that says "Tell DaveM
->>> that he fucked up" so there is at least one print statement that I can
->>> see.
->The correct action here would be to fix whatever it is DaveM has fucked
->up. Then remove the no longer needed printk().

Next time you make jokes like this add <JOKE>..</JOKE> or something like that,
so that it is more obvious... or at least use a smiley :-)


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