Re: How to invoke burst-read on PCI mapped memory area

Davide Rossetti (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 16:50:41 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 13 Oct 1998, Hiroshi Kawashima wrote:

> Thank you for your suggetion.
> > Even if it is possible, what machanism will maintain coherency between the
> Before Linux implementation, my colleague wrote very basic device
> driver on Windows/NT. On WIndows/NT, he can map such PCI address space
> (finally mapped to remote node's memory) as Cachable,
> and observed 'Read Multiple' (or 'Read Line' not sure, sorry) transaction
> on PCI bus (monitored with PCI analyzer).
> So, I'd like to implement same feature (access method) on Linux (if possible).

Let me doubt, really !! I can't see any way an OS (Win NT) could work
around an HW limitation.

Of course, using VM tweeking, you could 'simulate' it, with PAGE_SIZE
granularity (I guess). trapping page access and doing bus master transfer
to fill the page. just a brain dead idea. of course there should be a way
to 'invalidate' a page, managed by your driver.


|Rossetti Davide INFN - Sezione Roma I - gruppo V, prog. APEmille|
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