Re: Recompile kernel:I was wandering about..

James Rich (
Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:48:19 -0600 (MDT)

Modules are stored in /lib/modules/2.x.xx. When your kernel boots, it
searches the appropriate directory for the modules (as far as I

James Rich

On Fri, 9 Oct 1998, James Howles wrote:

> Hello ..
> I did make config, make dep, make clean and make zdisk to have my
> recompiled kernel on floppy.
> But make modules, and make module_install steps come after kernel image
> have been copied on floppy(so, after the make zdisk step).
> The problem is that when I ll boot my with my recompiled kernel image (the
> one on floppy), none of the newly installed modules are going to be
> loaded...isnt it?? So, should I run make modules and make module_install
> before running make zdisk (or make zImage) ??
> James Howles
> Sciences School of
> Bullington, NB

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