Re: How much kernel stack do we need?

Stefan Traby (
Sat, 20 Jun 1998 01:13:34 +0200

Hi John !

> You could experiment by initializing the stack such that only a portion
> was used. For example, allocate 4K, allocate kernel stuff, and then set
> the pointers such that only 1K is available for use. That would expose
> the memory hogs quickly. That is a pure debug case, of coruse.

This is IMHO an extreme bad idea. The solution without crashing:
init: alloc stack, fill with a magic (ex.: 0xdeadbeef)
destroy: scan for magic on stack to calculate stackspace

  ciao - 

Stefan Traby phone: +43-3133-6107-2 Mitterlasznitzstr. 13 fax: +43-3133-6107-9 8302 Nestelbach mailto:// Austria

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