Re: Thread implementations...

Chris Wedgwood (
Sat, 20 Jun 1998 11:14:27 +1200

On Fri, Jun 19, 1998 at 01:43:03PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> With Bill Hawes patches for handling file arrays it is. For the generic
> case its not. Note that you can forget using select() with 10K descriptors
> if you ever want to get any work done.[B

perhaps being a kernel nazi here could help, basically have select(2) return
EPERM or some such (EDONTBEADUMBASS) where more than say 1024 fd's are

I've been playing with poll and it seems to work adequately and seems to
scale better, but nothing too concrete yet (it compiles and runs, lets ship

Sure, its an ugly hack, but it would break broken code hard, before its
perhaps too late.


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