[Off topic] Re: New Linux distribution - PSL

Martin Konold (konold@alpha.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de)
Wed, 10 Jun 1998 22:39:25 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 10 Jun 1998, Alan Cox wrote:

Dear Alan,

> > would get samba and squid (okay, I'm biased ;p ), and a 'workstation'
> > distribution may get some nice KDE stuff.
> Whoops you've just installed a couple of security holes unless you
> have the right patches applied and exactly the right versions. And
> nobody has even tried to audit KDE yet. You've also created a license
> violating distribution so far ...

Please stop spreading these lies. You are working for a competitor and
should never say stuff like this in public except you are _very_ _very_
shure what kind of statements you are making. Otherwise you can be easily
in very deep trouble.

Claiming that someone else is breaking the law is a severe accusation.

Breaking copyright law is a criminal offense in a lot of countries
including but not limited to the UK and the US.

-- martin
P.S.: AFAIK it can be also against the US law to announce vapourware in
order to prevent others from entering the market with existing products if
you are a market leader and try to monopolize it...

// Martin Konold, Herrenbergerstr. 14, 72070 Tuebingen, Germany //
// Email: konold@kde.org //
RMSisch ist schlimmer als GNUisch (die fanatisch/religioese
Steigerung von GNUisch, daher ist GNUisch "nur" RMSisch-- ;-)
-- Harald Koenig --

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