Re: [IDEA] Developers: your opinion badly needed ! (Was: [PATCH]

Horkan Smith (
Tue, 2 Jun 1998 11:41:23 -0400 (EDT)

> I want to voice my 2 cents...
> Having a /proc/config is a good idea.
> Having to match static files with a running kernel is a bad
> matter how careful you are, you may make mistakes (assuming
> you can find the file).
> The solution for /boot/*-${VERSION} is not sufficient when
> multiple kernels exists for the same version...
> When you need this information, you want ACCURATE infomation, not a guess
> (multiple files are a guess).
> --
> marty

How about a crc-32 of either the kernel or the file stamped
into both? Actually, a 32 bit random is probably good enough....

You could even put most of the work in user space - read a /proc/kernelid or
/proc/mapid that just reports the number, then user space (rc files?)
looks thru the (locally defined) list of possible locations, and writes
it to /proc/locations/

Yah, it'll miss once in a *very* great while, but not often! Besides,
this way they stay separate files that won't bloat loaded image or
disk/diskette size. Of course, if you can't find those files, you're
in the same shape we are today....

I think the kernelid is a better choice, because you can stamp .config
files & other stuff the same way, w/ the same number.


G. Horkan Smith;; 404-870-0001 x52
Media4, Inc; Atlanta; Atlanta, GA

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