Re: [IDEA] Developers: your opinion badly needed ! (Was: [PATCH] /proc/config.gz)

Michael Meissner (
Tue, 2 Jun 1998 10:49:40 -0400

| I want to voice my 2 cents...
| Having a /proc/config is a good idea.
| Having to match static files with a running kernel is a bad
| matter how careful you are, you may make mistakes (assuming
| you can find the file).
| The solution for /boot/*-${VERSION} is not sufficient when
| multiple kernels exists for the same version...
| When you need this information, you want ACCURATE infomation, not a guess
| (multiple files are a guess).

The same goes for /lib/modules/<version>. I wish there was a subversion #, so
that when I'm playing with a particular release, I don't wipe out the modules
compiled earlier. For example, I have a SMP machine, but I sometimes want to
build a non-SMP version of the kernel as a backup (for examples, some revisions
of the kernel, the Adaptec SCSI controller didn't work too well in SMP mode).
Since the version # is the same, it means interoperability problems if I use
the wrong kernel with the /lib/modules. For example, where extra files are
appended to vmluniz, but not brought in, could be extended to all of the
modules, in addition to, and .config. That way, you only have one
file to save/move around, etc.

A lot of these posts going on about kernel bloat, seem to be from people who
manage ONE linux machine where it is easy to keep track of the details. I
suspect people who need to manage multiple machines (particularly multiple
machines of different configurations) have real problems that aren't being
addressed. For example, I found it harder than it should be to build a kernel
+ modules on my Pentium Pro machine to be installed on my laptop (not having a
global prefix for both kernel + modules install, meant I had to either install
it on my workstation, wiping out the current config, or installing it later on
the laptop, which didn't work because the pathnames created weren't the same).
While I'm at it, it would be nice if each linux release came in a separate
directory with a revision #, instead of just 'linux'.

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