Re: Need a "virtual directory"

Adam D. Bradley (
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 13:12:49 -0400 (EDT)

> Hello everybody! (This is my first message in this mailing list.)
> I am searching a solution in order to have the following situation:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Consider two users A and B.
> When A makes a "cd /virtual/src", he goes in /src/A.
> When B makes a "cd /virtual/src", he goes in /src/B.
> (this needs to work also when doing things like
> "open(/virtual/src/mystuff.c)" )
> ----------------------------------------------------
> This means that /virtual/src is a symbolic link, but a different symbolic
> link whose destination is depending on the user (user name, or
> some environment variable, whatever)

I believe the userfs package (user-space filesystems) includes
a filesystem called "homer" (I think) that will do this kind of thing
for you. Not sure if userfs will work in 2.1 kernels yet, but it
should be fine if you're using a 2.0. You can find it on most sunsite


You crucify all honesty             \\Adam D. Bradley
No signs you see do you believe      \\Boston University Computer Science
And all your words just twist and turn\\    Grad Student and Linux Hacker
Reviving just to crash and burn        \\                             <><
--------->   Why can't you listen as love screams everywhere?   <--------

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