kernel profiling

Chris Atenasio (
Tue, 7 Apr 1998 20:45:07 -0400 (EDT)

Does anyone actualy use kernel profiling anymore? I just tried setting it
up in 2.1.92 and have encountered some wierdness.

1. Profiling doesnt register /proc/profile unless I give the kernel
profile=2 at startup. CONFIG_PROFILE_SHIFT doesnt seem to make a

2. Running readprofile 2.0 I get:

0 total NaN

even after the kernel has been running for hours. I'm guessing NaN means
not a number meaning we're looking at a div by 0 here? I can verify that
the profiling data is growing by catting /proc/profile. The problem
seems to be it can't load the symbols because readprofile -a gives me the
exact same thing as before. Anyone have this working? I am assuming that
I dont need to compile -g since we are talking usermode with
And -pg... well I dont think i want to even *attampt* that :)

- Chris
Chris Atenasio (
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