Re: 2.1.93..
Tue, 7 Apr 1998 16:49:53 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Markus Kossmann wrote:

> Well, the detection routine for PCI ne2000 clones in ne.c is now broken.
> It doesn't stop , if it has found a PCI card, but continues to search
> until it has checked the last possible variant. And then tries to use
> that variant . I've made the folowing fix :

I had the same problem with my ne2000... After applying your patch, the
card is successfully detected and registered as eth0... But I still get a
dangling device "whitehole" (without your fix, I just get a
single "whitehole" and no eth0). Also, I no longer have a /proc/bus/pci.

gcc 2.8.1 + binutils + glibc 2.0.6 (NON-SMP kernel)

The ethernet card is a Realtek something or other, on irq 11 and io 6100

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