Re: WLinux -> Subverting Windows by making Linux available to MS users

Joseph Malicki (
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 00:37:14 -0500

Oliver Xymoron wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, Joseph Malicki wrote:
> > Because you CANNOT provide a PURE VM unless you emulate opcodes, which is a
> > real pain in the ass. Intel CPU's are not fully virtualizable, and there is
> > NO way to safely run 32-bit Windows under linux without emulation.
> Emulation can, however, consist of a JIT recompiler that *does nothing* in
> the case of stretches of opcodes that don't need to be emulated. Meaning
> the vast majority of the code in something like Windows can in theory be
> run with no overhead.

Yes, but emulation of x86 is not worth it in DosEMU, and I do not think the person
I replied to understood why DosEMU had the EMM layer or knew much about the
protection of x86 chips that make it difficult, and undesirable for most, to go
the route of emulation of ring-0 code.

Joseph Malicki

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