Re: [PATCH] APM support doesn't compile with binutils

Harald Koenig (
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 08:01:04 +0100

On Mar 25, MOLNAR Ingo wrote:

> code block A:
> ASM (" movw %ds, %ax; movw %es, %bx");
> ASM (" movw %ds, %ax; movw %es, %bx");
> ASM (" movw %ds, %ax; movw %es, %bx");
> ASM (" movw %ds, %ax; movw %es, %bx");
> ASM (" movw %ds, %ax; movw %es, %bx");
> executes in 19 cycles. block B:
> ASM (" nop; movl %ds, %ax; nop; nop; movl %es, %bx");
> ASM ("nop; nop; movl %ds, %ax; nop; nop; movl %es, %bx");
> ASM ("nop; nop; movl %ds, %ax; nop; nop; movl %es, %bx");
> ASM ("nop; nop; movl %ds, %ax; nop; nop; movl %es, %bx");
> ASM ("nop; nop; movl %ds, %ax; nop; nop; movl %es, %bx");
> executes in _20_ cycles only, although it has 19 more nop's in it, and has
> +25% more code length than block A...
> so, in case the test program is correct, there seems to be some nontrivial
> cost wrt. 'movw %ds,<reg>' on pentiums, but it's not a pairing issue. [and
> it's neither some sort of register collision issue, access to es,ds,ax,bx
> is interleaved properly.]
> the testcode has to be run as root, it should produce something like this:
> [root@hell asm]# ./test2
> best pushw latency: 19 cycles
> best pushl latency: 20 cycles

with a [true;] Pentium OverDrive PODP-83 I got

best pushw latency: 30 cycles
best pushl latency: 19 cycles

remember that this weird CPU was the reason why I started that bogomips thread
about alignment of the delay loop and (not) inlining it.
looks like this is yet another example of weird differences between
read Pentium and Pentium OverDrive...


All SCSI disks will from now on                     ___       _____
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Harald Koenig,                                         \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
Inst.f.Theoret.Astrophysik                              //  /     \\  \                     ^^^^^       ^^^^^

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