Re: GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source

Jes Degn Soerensen (
23 Feb 1998 12:18:52 +0100

>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Mars <> writes:

Stefan> Here's an idea.. Why don't we wait until we in the GGI
Stefan> project are ready, before we start this discussion. We
Stefan> understand that GGI is still to immature, and not yet ready to
Stefan> be included into the mainstream kernel. However, we are aiming
Stefan> for including it into 2.3.

Well I'd like to see the abstract console stuff in the kernel before
2.3, but that of course depends on Linus' oppinion. It is badly needed
for several framebuffer based platforms and drivers are now being
ported for some of the other (non m68k) framebuffer based boxes.

Stefan> We will also be at LinuxExpo 98 to present our ideas for those
Stefan> who wants to meet us in person.

I noticed.


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